All Foxed Up Read online

Page 3

  Kenzie couldn’t help the way she pressed her ass into him or the small sigh that escaped her lips. She was already wet and wanting. The near-death experience made her feel desperate. She leaned back and spread her legs to give him better access.

  “I wouldn’t know what to say,” she managed, her breath hitching as Finnick went lower. His other hand palmed her breast and suddenly she ached hard. Kenzie needed him inside her right now.

  But his arms held her in place and he continued to tease her slowly, getting closer and closer. “Just ask him how he’s doing,” he said with a chuckle. “Ash doesn’t need a lot. See if maybe he has anything in mind for a date. Getting him out of this funk before then is essential. He needs to be with us or mistakes will be made.”

  Then his fingers brushed over her clit and Kenzie gasped, pushing against his hand for more. “If I didn’t know you better, I’d think you were using me,” she teased. “But I’ll talk to him. Now, are you going to do something, or are you just going to be a flirt?”

  “Depends.” Finnick cupped her pussy, sliding his fingers through her folds. “Are you going to be nice to Ash?”

  Fuck, why was talking about Ash with Finnick’s fingers sliding into her so hot?

  “I’ll be super-duper nice,” she gasped as he slid a second finger inside her.

  Kenzie craved Finnick. She craved his cock sure, but she also wanted to spend time with him. All the time. Every move he made she was aware of, whether it was running his fingers through his hair, or the way he looked at her from across a room.

  That bond between them was tightening and it terrified her.

  But at the same time…Kenzie really liked spending time with Finnick.

  His hand went from her breast to her neck and she arched into his light grip, riding his hand. She was already cresting, so desperate for him to touch her. She’d never been so horny in her whole fucking life until after she’d had sex with him that first time.

  Something about hormones and the bond…or so the witch archives said.

  Then he pressed down just hard enough and the orgasm washed through her, easing the remaining stress and nerves from everything that had happened that morning.

  “Am I interrupting?”

  Kenzie gasped at the sound of Ash’s voice. She went to roll onto her stomach but Finnick held her in place so the other fox could see everything. “We were just talking about you,” he told Ash.

  That made her squirm even further, suddenly more desperate than before. But Finnick slid his hand out of her pants and held it up. “Did you want to taste?”

  Every part of her went still as she watched Ash, waiting to see what he would do. Her embarrassment went to hot curiosity and Kenzie wasn’t sure if she wanted to see him do it or not.

  Her lips parted when Ash stepped forward, weaving his way through the boxes without once breaking eye contact with her. The way he gripped Finnick’s wrist hard enough to break a normal human’s made her press her knees together.

  When Ash licked her wetness from Finnick’s fingers, Kenzie clenched her thighs harder, unable to look away as he cleaned every bit of her off the other fox. Her breathing was rapid and Finnick’s cock against her ass was so hard it was almost painful.

  “Do you need any help unpacking?” Ash asked, releasing Finnick.

  Kenzie cleared her throat and sat up when Finnick chuckled and finally let her go. She adjusted her shirt and had to look away. Ash’s own hard-on was right at eye level. “Uh, sure, you can do the books.”

  Finnick adjusted himself and then stood. “Looks like I’m not needed here. I’ll be downstairs making dinner.” He kissed her on the cheek before leaving.

  He’d wanted her to talk to Ash and now he was giving her the opportunity to do it without an audience. How did he always know what she needed? It annoyed Kenzie even if she was starting to love it.

  Ash sat down on one of the boxes in front of the shelves, and then pulled another closer. He ripped open the cardboard and started going through her graphic novels. She cocked her head and watched him work.

  Ash had the broadest shoulders even though he was shorter than Finnick. His jet black hair had always been inviting, but Kenzie knew those blue eyes of his that seemed so open actually hid so much more than he let on.

  Finnick was the very outgoing one. It was a lot easier to get him to talk. But Ash? Kenzie had no idea how to relate to him, or talk to him. Every interaction they’d had up to this point had been because he’d initiated it.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, wincing. The words seemed woefully inadequate and Kenzie wanted to slap herself, but at least it was a start.

  “For what?” Ash asked, organizing her entire Bleach manga collection in the correct order.

  She bit back a sigh. Of course he was going to make this fucking difficult. “That what I said bothered you so much. I don’t know why it did, but I’m not a fan of whatever this awkwardness between us is. Would you like to spank me for putting you in a mood?”

  The question tumbled out of her mouth – a last ditch effort to break him out of his shell. Where was the Ash who told her he liked to do viral challenges and post them on the dang internet?

  He stopped and glanced over his shoulder, dark blue eyes sparkling despite the blank look on his face. Ash was gorgeous with his muscles and her books in his hands. “Would that make you feel better?”

  Shrugging one shoulder, she didn’t dare blink as she sensed a challenge rising. “Would it make you feel better?”

  Ash put the books on the shelf next to the others. “And what if it did?”

  “Then I’d let you.”

  He stood so quickly she jumped in surprise. Then Ash had her over his knee and she gripped his legs hard enough her nails dug into his skin. “Are you sure?” he asked, taking a moment to give her one last chance to change her mind.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly.

  When his hand hit her ass the sound was what registered first. Then the sting. Fuck, he didn’t play around. “Feel better?” she asked, trying to ignore how turned on she was by his quiet domination.

  Kenzie wasn’t into pain in her sex, but something about being over Ash’s lap – his gentle intensity, and the way he just stared at her…He gave her a small smile. Watching it spread was like watching the sun rise, slow and warm. “Yes, I do feel better. Thank you for that.” He rubbed where it stung and then gave her ass a little pat.

  Kenzie readjusted, moving so she could sit like a normal person on the bed instead of lounging across his lap like the sex freak these foxes made her feel like. “Why did what I said bother you so much?”

  Some instinct deep down told her there was more to this than the words she’d used.

  “I don’t remember,” he admitted, shrugging a shoulder. “I don’t really remember anything before I was a teenager.”

  Why were these foxes so damaged?

  Kenzie tried not to think too much about why. She had a sneaking suspicion the universe wanted her to see her life really wasn’t all that bad. Well, the universe could go fuck itself.

  “What do you remember?” she asked, following him back to her books.

  They unpacked in comforting silence for a minute and then he shrugged again. “Foster homes mostly. I was in the human system, in their schools. To stay alive I had to hide everything I was, and when I couldn’t anymore it got me moved a lot. Until they finally put me in a group home for troubled youths.”

  Kenzie grabbed another box and opened it, but she couldn’t focus on the contents inside. “Why were you in the foster care system in the first place? How do foxes normally operate?”

  He glanced at her and those dark blue eyes looked so…empty. “I blocked out a lot. I don’t remember anything but the foster care system. So I only know what it’s like to be with Finnick and Hunter. But from what they’ve both told me, it’s not always great to be with our own kind either.”

  “Yeah, I feel that.” Kenzie unpacked the rest of the books in that box a
nd then moved on to the rest of her clothes. “So, do you still want to go out with me?”

  Despite how attracted he was to her and she to him, they didn’t always quite fit together and at the moment Kenzie was feeling insecure. Ash had told her what he could, but there was so much missing from his past she didn’t know how else to help him.

  He didn’t look up from the books but there was a tiny smile at the corner of his mouth that gave her a flicker of hope. “If you’re still interested.”

  The way Ash had bent her over his lap flashed through her mind and she cleared her throat, knowing he could smell her arousal. Changing out her charms so they could scent and hear her but no one else could had been the worst and best idea she’d ever had.

  “Yeah, I’m still interested.”

  “Well, then we can go to this place I have in mind on Thursday.” That tiny smile widened and she felt her heart flutter, knowing he was still interested in her despite all her crazy.

  “What place?” she asked, hanging up her clothes in the closet.

  “It’s a surprise. But wear something sexy like you did for Samuel. Make sure the heels are comfortable.”

  Kenzie snorted. For some reason, Ash being the one to like her in something hot didn’t surprise her.

  “Sure, I’ll wear something sexy.”

  And despite how relieved she was things between them were a little better, Kenzie knew this wasn’t going to be easy. Ash was complicated, despite the way they always felt drawn to each other.

  It was like opposing magnets. They were pushed toward each other but at the last minute they turned away. She hoped some alone time with him would help. Kenzie chewed her lip. Maybe she could talk to Selene or Edith about a memory charm.

  That way if he wanted those memories back, he could have them.

  Chapter Four


  Most of her stuff was unpacked and Kenzie sat at the bar separating the kitchen from the dining room and watched Finnick finish up the final touches of their dinner. It wasn’t anything fancy, but the sub sandwiches looked professionally done and there were so many ingredients her mouth watered.

  She checked her phone and texted Selene back. At least everyone was okay. Her sister and Edith had booked a fancy hotel while they worked out all the little things needed to fix the house back up.

  It would be a total insurance nightmare and once again Kenzie was glad she hadn’t been the one born with tons of power. Dealing with that kind of stuff wasn’t for her.

  Her sister was back to normal and completely unscathed. Witches healed way faster than humans did, and a little help from a doctor with healing magic didn’t hurt either. Kenzie was glad that they were okay. It could have gone much worse given the circumstances.

  Looking up she watched Ash grab some chips and pickles as sides, setting a bit on each plate. The way Finnick and Ash moved around each other in the kitchen, Kenzie guessed they cooked together often. It was kind of adorable.

  “Does Hunter cook at all?” she asked.

  “Only on special occasions.” The soft words tickled her ear and Kenzie jumped. Hunter’s small smile as he rounded the counter into the kitchen gave her weird flutters in her belly.

  How did he always manage to sneak up on her?

  “You’re doing all right?” Hunter asked, glancing at her hands before reaching in the fridge for three beers.

  Kenzie waved her pristine hands in the air like a model would at a car show. “Doc patched me up just fine. There are some benefits to being born in the Kavanagh clan.”

  Finnick snorted and handed her a plate. Hunter set a pink beverage in a glass bottle next to it.

  “What’s this?” she asked, inspecting the label.

  “A wine cooler,” Hunter said in total seriousness. “You don’t like beer, so we got you something else.”

  Kenzie eyed all three of them and she honestly couldn’t say who had come up with the idea and who had chosen what kind to get her. They’d even gotten her signature color. She smiled slowly. For some reason she pictured them discussing it over the last week and then finding time to go shopping together…

  Ugh, they were adorable.

  How annoying.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  “There’s also a cherry flavor by this brand,” Hunter said. He wasn’t eager exactly, just…intense. “But we got watermelon. Do you like watermelon-flavored things?”

  She popped the top and took a swig. “It’s exactly the right amount of teeth-aching sweetness. Seriously, thank you, you guys. I’m flattered.”

  Then Hunter shrugged like it was no big deal while Finnick and Ash shared a knowing smile. “This is your home for the next six months,” Hunter said. “We wanted to make you feel comfortable.” He grabbed his own plate and beer and walked past the dining room table toward the patio.

  “Yeah, Kenzie – do you approve of the toilet paper?” Finnick asked.

  “That was you?” she asked, eyebrows shooting up. Though, she didn’t know why she was surprised.

  “Nah, Ash lived with tons of chicks in the group home. Remember? I’m a feral bastard.”

  Kenzie couldn’t help the grin on her face as she followed her foxes out onto the patio for a moonlit dinner. For the first time in years she actually felt like a part of something. When was the last time she’d actually eaten with her family?

  As a child she’d been forced to attend dinners, but she was always ignored. Kenzie had been nothing more than an annoyance. They never really wanted her there, and they never cared about what she might want to drink.

  The patio wasn’t as big as the one at her family’s mansion, or rather as big as it used to be, but it had a homey feel theirs never managed. The lights strung up made it feel cozy even if the night was cold. Kenzie sat at the table between Ash and Finnick and leaned back in the padded chair.

  Fuck, this was nice.

  After the day she’d had, she’d really needed something as quiet and peaceful as this.

  Kenzie looked up at the sky. She always hated how light pollution kept most of the stars from view, but the moon was nice and fat. The full moon would be in a few days. She glanced at the foxes and saw all three of them were waiting for her to eat first.

  “Sorry,” she murmured, taking a bite. “Do you guys usually run on the full moon like the wolves do?” Foxes were a strange sort. They were so feline, and yet canine at the same time.

  Kenzie didn’t know much about wolves outside of the witch archives. They didn’t have a wolf pack in their area. Not with the West Coast Pride based in San Francisco.

  “Not usually. We go running whenever we feel like it. As a reminder, I have work on Monday,” Hunter said.

  Crickets chirped their nighttime song and Kenzie chewed as she considered the alpha fox. “Work?”

  “At Bradley’s firm. I still have to work as their computer engineer in the IT department.”

  Right. Had it really been that long already?

  “Well, I need to go to Samuel’s firm with Selene on Monday to start our project for him. We’ll need to work here since all the stuff I didn’t pack is charred and shit.” Kenzie wondered if the centuries of protection spells had managed to save anything from that curse. To be completely honest she had no idea what all had been in the house.

  They definitely had insurance though, so no doubt her ritzy little family would have it fixed up as soon as possible.

  “How are you going to manage that while you still have your human job?” Finnick asked.

  Kenzie took another bite, glad the others were eating now too. It was weird having someone wait on her. “I put in a leave of absence for six months. I may or may not have a job at the end of it, but I’m not really worried.”

  With her experience and resume she could get a job anywhere, with any company she wanted. Normally she was approached before she even had to look. Staying in one job got boring sometimes. Especially with startups. Sometimes they all felt identic

  Working for Samuel on this job should be interesting at least.

  The white tiger Alpha had been a lot more accommodating than she’d thought he would about everything. As soon as Selene had woken up and cast fire in her palm Kenzie had called Samuel.

  Explaining to him who the potion had actually been for, what had happened with Selene and that she needed time to recover had been easier than she’d thought it would be. The Alpha hadn’t been shocked exactly, but she had been able to detect a bit of surprise when he agreed to her request without question.

  Kenzie had been expecting a bit of pushback, but the Alpha wasn’t stupid. The witch couldn’t perform magic at her best if she didn’t recuperate.

  “We’re not working on Monday though,” Kenzie told them. “We have to take a look at the damage done to the warehouses first and try to figure out who’s sabotaging him. Then we can come up with something that will keep whatever it is out.”

  “Fae?” Ash asked.

  “Why would Fae want to destroy clean energy?” Hunter asked. “No, if anyone it’s human, but they’re usually not skilled enough to pull something like that off.”

  “We could come with you on Monday,” Ash offered. “Finnick and I should be able to sniff something out that magic might miss.”

  Kenzie studied Ash. She could see the lines of stress in his face and shoulders, but otherwise he looked like he always did – aloof and disinterested when he wasn’t trying to get in her space.

  She’d honestly expected another fight about Samuel, but these three…trusted her judgement?

  Wow. That was a thought and a half.

  “Sure, that would be great,” Kenzie admitted. She couldn’t deny that shifter senses were insanely accurate. “Samuel’s pride couldn’t figure it out though.”

  “They’re all felines,” Hunter said with a slight shake of his head. He tipped back his beer and then set it on the table as he studied the lights. Which one of them had put those up? “Finnick and Ash would be able to see more than just someone’s scent.”