Alpha Wolf_A Paranormal Shifter Romance Read online
Page 12
Amelia nodded, mind racing. Maybe they could work on their publishing house soon, make it a reality instead of a dream. “Do you think we should really start our own company?” she whispered to Bonnie.
They hadn’t talked about it in a while, but Amelia had never forgotten. Every time she was denied a book she thought of starting up her own company.
Bonnie shrugged and watched Shane open the sliding glass door. “Yeah, of course, but we gotta pay the bills, babe.”
“Well, we should consider doing it while we still work at Raven’s.”
“There’s that non-compete clause though.”
Dammit, Amelia had forgotten about that. She dropped the subject, because unless she suddenly came into some money so she could quit, it simply wasn’t going to happen. It made her feel oddly sad. A possible solution to her long distance problems shot down.
“I’ve gotta get up early,” Shane said, eyes boring into Bonnie’s. “So I’m going to crash. I’ll see ya’ll in the morning.”
Kai was across the room in a few steps and he scooped Amelia up, throwing her over his shoulder without a care in the world. She screamed in protest, but couldn’t help laughing. “I’ve gotta do the same, so stay out of the good liquor and don’t burn the house down,” Kai said.
He carried her up the stairs and Amelia felt her cheeks flush, but she waved goodnight to Bonnie. The others whooped and whistled and it didn’t feel malicious. It was a great send off to a fabulous day, despite the scare with the wild animal.
“You’re such a caveman,” she told Kai.
“Only when it comes to you, darling.” He slapped her ass and she tried not to squeal.
“Are we going straight to sleep?” she asked, still a little nervous about the animal, but it couldn’t get to them inside.
“What do you think?” Kai asked, slipping his hand in between her legs to cup her hot pussy as he carried her up the stairs and down the hall. “I plan to make you mine, Amelia.”
He set her down on the bed gently and she smiled up at him. “I’m already yours.”
Chapter Twenty-One
Amelia didn’t know what woke her up. It might have been a sound, a bad dream, or some instinct she had, but a few hours after Kai had worn her out she sat up straight in bed. One whole wall of the room was glass and she stared outside into the night. Nothing moved and there was hardly any light other than the moon.
Her hair was a mess and she pushed it back. Amelia didn’t even remember falling asleep. She must have been completely wiped. The last thing she remembered was Kai making love to her, but after that first round she’d passed out.
She slid out of bed and wrapped a robe around her naked body. Amelia padded to the window and peered out. The moon made the snow and the trees glow silver, just like Kai’s eyes. Everything was still and quiet. The balcony was still and quiet before her under the moonlight. What had woken her up?
Her hand on the window left a mark and it was cool to the touch. Whatever it was, there was nothing there now. With a shrug she decided to go back to bed. Kai was still asleep despite all her moving around. He slept hard after all that sex. She shivered to remember how hard and silky he’d felt in her mouth.
There it was again. A slight movement that made all the hair on her body stand up straight. Amelia froze and searched the dark one more time. It had just been there. Her heart started to pound and her hands felt clammy. She felt hunted. But there was nothing out there.
There was a flash of silver right before the thing moved, leaping towards her. It hit the glass at a run and the window shattered everywhere. Amelia screamed and ducked, trying to protect her face. Glass sliced across her arms and legs. It rained down around her before the wolf sank his teeth into her arm.
Suddenly Kai was up and moving, but the wolf dragged Amelia outside and into the snow faster than she thought possible. She fell from the second story balcony into soft powder. The impact rattled her bones and made everything useless. The cold made her numb. She could barely get her feet under her let alone run away. And the wolf still had her arm in his mouth. If she pulled the bones would snap.
Pure, undiluted fear ran through her and Amelia couldn’t even scream. She didn’t fight as the wolf dragged her towards the forest, through her own blood. It ran down her arm in rivulets, hot and steamy. It stained the snow.
The red against the white was practically obscene.
There was a roaring growl and the sound of a tree cracking. Amelia glanced back and saw Kai naked on the second floor balcony then suddenly he collapsed and shifted, becoming a wolf nearly the size of a bear in the blink of an eye.
If she had any sense she would have screamed, but this massive new wolf was twice the size of the one chewing on her arm. Kai’s fur was a silver white and he sprinted across the clearing in a blur. With a sound like boulders crashing into each other Kai hit the other wolf.
Teeth released from her arm with a sickening sound and Amelia collapsed into the snow. Kai snarled and clamped down on the other wolf’s neck. She should get up and run, but Amelia was frozen both literally and figuratively.
More snarls and growls and suddenly a wolf howled far too close for comfort. Amelia glanced back at the house and watched as Shane, Olivia, and Alexander leapt naked from the porch, turning into wolves before they touched the ground. It was so graceful and powerful – so raw and beautiful Amelia almost didn’t feel afraid.
Two more wolves came from the forest and she assumed they were Liam and Noah as they were nearly identical. They all surrounded Kai and this other wolf. No one moved as they watched Kai viciously attack the one who’d snatched her.
Olivia’s fur was pure white and she pressed against Amelia. If she wasn’t so fucking cold and scared she’d run away, hide, find Bonnie, and risk the treacherous drive home. This is why Kai’s eyes turned silver. This was the big secret he’d been afraid for her to know, the one he’d promised to tell her if she hadn’t fallen asleep so unexpectedly.
Amelia laughed. She laughed and laughed, feeling hysterical and crazy. Would she have even believed him? No wonder he didn’t want to tell her. Amelia wanted to be mad, she wanted to be furious, but this was something straight out of a book or a movie. It wasn’t like she had no clue how to deal, or the threat Kai faced when revealing this secret.
The realization that it was all real though—that would have to wait because she was about to faint from the blood loss.
There was a pained cry and Kai was limping. Instantly she saw red. Amelia tried to get to her feet but Olivia practically laid on her, preventing Amelia from interrupting. Then Kai sank his teeth into the brown wolf and shoved him into the ground. Blood was everywhere.
Then suddenly the wolf was a man and he laughed like she’d seen crazy people do. “I couldn’t help it,” the guy chuckled. “You brought a delicious little human here and I had to taste. She’s mine now.”
Amelia felt sick to her stomach when she looked down at her arm which was already healing. No, this wasn’t real. This was a bad dream. She couldn’t possibly be doing what she thought she was.
Without another word Kai broke the man’s neck. The sickening crunch and the fear made her hurl. Still Olivia didn’t move off of her. When Kai collapsed they all moved as one. Amelia watched in disbelief as the love of her life tried to get up. When he stumbled Shane growled and the hairs on her neck stood up.
Was he going to challenge Kai? Now?
Shane took another step forward and snarled. Instinct took over and Amelia shoved Olivia off of her, trying not to notice her new strength and speed. It took only a second to reach Kai and with a growl that terrified her, Amelia warned Shane off. She covered Kai’s body with her own and she felt her lip pull up in a snarl.
Shane shook his head and took a step back. Then he came back to himself and gave her a look full of so much sorrow before he took off into the woods.
Olivia was suddenly human again, naked and gorgeous. She hardly looked cold. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back.”
Amelia shook her head. She didn’t give a fuck about Shane. Her hands were running over Kai’s fur and she felt a sob get stuck in her throat and choke her. There was blood everywhere and he was panting. What could she do to help him, would he heal?
There was no way in hell she was going to let him die that was for damn sure. Not after everything she’d been through just to find him. Yeah, she was probably a wolf now but Amelia didn’t care. Kai was hers and she refused to let him go.
“How do I fix him?” she demanded. No one was human except Olivia. Amelia glared at the woman who stared at Kai like her life was about to end too. “Olivia!”
The girl jerked and her eyes finally focused on Amelia. “He heals himself or he doesn’t.”
“What does that mean?” God, no, no, no, this couldn’t be real. Kai would heal, wouldn’t he?
“Amelia if he doesn’t heal in the next ten minutes someone is going to challenge him. Then he’ll die one way or another.”
The sob broke through and Amelia curled into Kai, burying her face in his blood-soaked fur. “Kai, please get better,” she whispered. “Please, I love you.”
He huffed, snout in her hair, but she could only hold onto him. Amelia wasn’t afraid that he was a giant wolf who could probably eat her in one bite; this wolf was still her Kai, still trying to protect her even though he was bleeding out onto the snow.
Suddenly her arms were full of naked man instead of furry wolf and Amelia gasped. There were massive scratches down Kai’s ribs and there was so much blood. He was covered in it, but she pressed her hand to his side and saw they were closing, slowly but surely.
The relief was so intense Amelia cried even harder, barely able to breathe and threw her arms around his neck.
There was a tether between her and Kai, strong and hearty. Amelia had read enough books to know it was probably a mate bond. It explained her feelings without words, and why Kai would never, ever hurt her. She was his, but he was also hers.
Amelia kissed his cheeks, his jaw, his lips, and ran her fingers through his long hair, tears streaming down her face.
“Amelia,” Kai said, his voice was hoarse and full of pain. “Amelia, I love you.” Then he kissed her, ravaging her mouth and roughly pushing his tongue between her teeth. He tasted her and then bit down on her bottom lip.
Then Kai lifted her in his arms, cradling her to his chest. “I’m so sorry, I’m so, so sorry,” he whispered, burying his face in her neck and practically running to the house.
She held onto him like he was her lifeline, and he was. Kai anchored her to this world as she felt something strange and tingly heal her arm and the cuts from the glass. It ran through her veins, pounded through her heart. She could hear every sound, like the forest was an orchestra.
She suddenly felt warm and he looked her over, inspecting every inch of her. “Where are you hurt? Are you in pain?”
Amelia shook her head, cradling her ravaged arm to her chest. It didn’t hurt anymore, but she could smell her blood and the distinct scent of Kai’s blood. There was so much of it between the two of them and the copper stench sat on the back of her tongue.
Once Kai was satisfied with the rest of her, he took her arm and gently pulled it towards him. He inspected the marks and growled low in his throat at the scar in the shape of a bite. Amelia couldn’t quite look at it. The last time she had there had been exposed bone and it had made her sick.
“Amelia,” Kai pleaded. “Please talk to me.”
“So, you’re a werewolf?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “No wonder you were so fabulous at tracking me down.”
Kai actually laughed, the real terror falling from his face and he pulled her into his arms. Part of her was acutely aware of how naked he was, but Amelia was just so happy he was alive.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
Amelia cocked her head and thought about it. Other than scared, she felt amazing. Every ache and pain she’d ever had was gone. She’d take a few bets on how many miles she could run, or the weight she could bench. “I’m a little hungry.”
The sound of Kai’s relieved laughter was a balm to her heart and soul. He held her close and kissed her over and over. “Don’t worry my love; I’ll make sure you can eat whatever you want.”
“Say that again,” she whispered.
“My love,” he murmured, kissing each eyelid tenderly. “You’ll never be alone again, or go hungry,” Kai teased.
Amelia smiled and stripped off her robe. “Help me wash.” Because they were both still covered in blood, and she wanted to curl up in bed with him and stay that way for days.
Kai was forever, the little wolf inside her said.
Chapter Twenty-Two
So according to Kai she wouldn’t change into a wolf until her first full moon. Then she could change at will. It terrified her, having to wait. Amelia just wanted to get it over with instead of wondering how much it was going to hurt and what it would feel like.
During the night he’d made love to her again, soothing her aches and pains and worry. Kai had admitted they were mates, destined to be together. Something about magic and genetics bonded them, holding them together. It was stronger than anything human that was for sure.
She could feel it in her chest, an acute awareness of Kai that wouldn’t go away even if she wanted it to. But Amelia liked knowing where he was and that this was forever. This bond was unbreakable, only death could end it. There was something morbidly comforting about that.
When she woke up the next morning everything was different. The silver scars on her arm a testament to all that had happened the night before. Not to mention they were in one of the guest rooms since the window in the master bedroom was shattered to bits.
Amelia had no idea what to do from here. What happened next? Was she a danger to humans? She wracked her brain trying to think of everything she’d ever read about shifters, werewolves, and anything remotely paranormal. It wasn’t like she was an expert but she read the shit out of paranormal romance.
Kai must have sensed that she was awake because he ran his hand down her back soothingly. All night he’d spooned her, never once trying to roll away. It was nice. Those few hours the best sleep she’d had in a long time.
“Can I go home?” she asked; her voice small and unsure. Amelia wished she could sound stronger, but she was afraid. The unknown terrified her.
“You won’t be able to change until the full moon,” Kai assured her. “That’s still two weeks away. Until then you’re still mostly human, just don’t go biting anyone.”
Amelia felt a bit relieved, but there were still so many questions. “What about long term? My loft and my job? I can’t just drop everything and live here. Bonnie would suspect something, and I would have nothing to do here.”
Kai tensed behind her, but Amelia needed to know, she needed a plan.
“Well, it depends on you of course. You’ll always be my mate Amelia, but I hope you’d want to live here with me.” He kissed the back of her neck and for the first time since she’d been bitten she felt like crying.
“I don’t want to give up everything I’ve worked so hard for,” she mumbled as the tears streamed down her cheeks.
Amelia had known after the first day she’d end up here in this house with Kai, but she’d banked on the time when they’d be long distance to get used to the idea, to ease into it, maybe start with a drawer and then move to a few days a week.
“I’m not forcing you to do anything you don’t want to,” Kai said carefully. “But there needs to be a few things clarified. You have to register with my pack, or another pack. Lone wolves go crazy and end up like the guy who hurt you last night. We all need a pack. If you did sign with me, as your Alpha I would need to make sure you were safe to be around humans. Portland is still my territory. You could live there if you wanted and you wouldn’t have to change a thing. Only join us on the full moon each month, pack meetings, and the occasional pack business like hunting a savage wolf.”
Amelia rolled to face him and Kai looked devastated at the idea, but he’d let her go if that was what she wanted. “I love you, Kai. I’m not saying I don’t want this bond, I’m saying I don’t feel ready for all of this.” She waved her hand to encompass the house, the land, the pack. “There is no publishing house out here and I worked my ass off to become editor. I can’t just let you take care of me like David did, not to mention there probably isn’t any Thai food out here.”
He cupped her face and gave her a sad smile. “If you wanted to live here, but still wanted to be an editor we could make that happen.”
She shook her head. “It’s not that easy, it takes a lot of money to start a company and I don’t have much in savings, plus there’s the whole issue where I might not profit. Where would I get that money? A bank won’t lend it to me.”
The whole idea was a lark. Amelia wanted it bad, but there was no way to make it happen. Money didn’t grow on trees.
“What if I invested in this business?” Kai asked with a twinkle in his eye. “Then we’d both benefit.”
It was a nice gesture, but the idea made her uncomfortable. “No Kai, I couldn’t do that. I’d owe you money, and I don’t want to owe the man I love money.” Amelia snuggled into him, tucking her head under his chin.
It was still strange to say how she felt out loud, but it also felt good – freeing. Amelia couldn’t deny it was love. Nothing else could convince her to move to the damn mountains in the middle of nowhere.
“What if I co-signed the loan with you? Convince Bonnie to move out here and do it with you. A bank won’t refuse a loan when it’s co-signed by someone as fabulous as me,” Kai said with a wink.
It was her dream, to find authors with a voice that needed to be heard. To take chances on stories that might never be told. Amelia had always wanted to find that perfect story, one that would define her entire life and uplift her spirits. It was a terrible, romantic idea; especially when she loved dirty romances just as hard.