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Alpha Wolf_A Paranormal Shifter Romance Page 11

  Shane nodded and followed him into the house. “You think these humans can handle it?” he asked.

  Kai couldn’t help the rumbling growl deep in his throat. He tossed the carcass on the massive kitchen island and then glared at his Second. “One of those humans is my mate.”

  Shane carefully kept his eyes down and set the box of wine on the counter. He angled his neck just slightly to expose his throat and Kai’s wolf settled. “I apologize, I didn’t know.”

  It had been a mistake not to tell his pack. Kai ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He’d just wanted a bit more time to tell them, to tell Amelia the truth. “She doesn’t know anything yet,” he confessed. “So make sure not to do anything strange, or inhuman. She’s smart.”

  Shane nodded and grabbed one of the butcher knives. With a skill Kai envied, his Second sharpened the knife and began cutting up the massive carcass in perfect slices and hunks. “Fire up the barbecue and I’ll warn the others.”

  Kai hated that the savage wolf had gotten past them again. He had to have a den somewhere in Kai’s forest. They’d cornered the wolf and Olivia had gotten a good bite on his back leg, but even with the injury he was too wild and feral to feel it and the wolf had taken off.

  They’d hunted him most of the night, but had lost the trail at the small river. He’d only gotten a few hours of sleep, but he was more pissed off that the wolf hadn’t been taken out. It worried him that Amelia and Bonnie were so close to the danger. He supposed there had been just as much when the wolf had been in the city.

  It was on him. Kai was the Alpha. He was supposed to take care of shit like this and he’d failed. It only took moments to get the barbecue going and Kai sighed. What was it about this wolf that thwarted all six of his wolves and him?

  He knew part of it was he didn’t want to destroy the wolf. Kai hated this part of his job, but if the wolf wouldn’t take his help and guidance he couldn’t risk the danger the rogue posed. It just wasn’t safe for shifters, or for the humans he’d hunt.

  But they had to end the rogue soon or more than his territory would be in danger. His mate was at risk and Kai had to handle it. His eyes watched the forest, but he didn’t sense the wolf at all or smell him on the wind. The injury must have been enough to keep him burrowed in whatever hole the wolf was hiding in.

  At least the savage would be too injured to come anywhere near the house. Kai went back to the grill and hoped he was right.

  Chapter Twenty


  Bonnie barged into the master bedroom with a shriek and demanded for Amelia to tell her everything. Amelia had only a bra and her winter jeans on at the time. Kai had been right, the mutant.

  “You’re early!” she yelled, grabbing at her sweater.

  Bonnie scoffed and flicked her nipple through the bra. “Like I haven’t seen you naked a million times before.”

  Amelia glared and rubbed the still sensitive nipple.

  Utterly ridiculous, but par for the course with Bonnie. So she told her everything, leaving out the details of their sexual journey, but her friend was too smart. Bonnie gushed and grinned and teased. When Amelia was dressed and her hair was dry she put on a bit of mascara and a little cat eye but that was it.

  “This guy Shane is downstairs,” Bonnie told her while Amelia slipped on her inside Ugg boots.

  “Really?” Amelia asked. She hadn’t met him yet. “He must be one of the guys who lives on the property.”

  “What do you mean?” Bonnie asked, straightening the hem of Amelia’s creamy sweater.

  It was one of the most flattering winter items she owned. Bonnie on the other hand wore a skin-tight turtleneck that showcased those fabulous tits.

  Amelia flicked Bonnie’s nipple and her friend shrieked in protest. “That’s what you get,” she told her.

  Bonnie crossed her arms, her smile was real. “Are there other people who live here?”

  Amelia shook her head. “I mean, kind of? Kai owns twenty-five hundred acres. His employees live in their own houses on the property.”

  “That’s weird,” Bonnie said, following Amelia down the hall to the stairs. “Sounds like he’s perfect for you.”

  They walked into the kitchen and there was a man Amelia didn’t recognize but assumed was Shane.

  He was gorgeous. Just as built as Kai, if a bit shorter. Shane’s black hair and beard really set off his strong jaw and blue eyes. Damn, were all the guys Kai knew were built like fitness models with broad shoulders and tapered waists with big-ass arms and muscles for days?

  He barely looked at Amelia, but outright stared at Bonnie with something close to a glare. There was so much sexual tension between the two of them Amelia almost had to fan herself. Shane flipped a knife and started working on the carcass again, taking up the entire island counter.

  “Is that an elk?” Bonnie demanded.

  Amelia watched her friend sit down on one of the stools, within spraying distance of the blood that ran in the groove to a small drain. At first she’d had no idea what it had been for and now she knew. They must hunt on their own land which made sense.

  Shane didn’t respond to the obvious question. He simply glared, slicing into the elk with perfect precision. He carved it with so much skill Amelia had to look away. He was kind of scary.

  Bonnie wasn’t fazed at all. She snatched one of the knives laid out like precious diamonds and inspected it. “I can help you know, I’ve hunted with my family before.”

  Shane moved so fast Amelia blinked. Suddenly the knife was in his hand and he laid it back down with care. “Don’t touch the knives.”

  Amelia rummaged through every cupboard until she found the crockpot in an area off the pantry, something she might even call a scullery. She set it up in the kitchen and turned it on. Then she went into the pantry to scrounge for the ingredients as she listened to Bonnie and Shane.

  “Fine I won’t touch your knives, but it would still be faster with two people.”

  Shane didn’t respond.

  Amelia peeked her head out and saw the two of them glaring at each other, neither one blinking. Why did he look mad all the time for no reason? Bonnie smirked, and Amelia knew she could handle him.

  Grabbing a few bottles of wine and the spices she needed, including some oranges, Amelia braved the kitchen once more and started working on the mulled wine.

  “Why are you so grumpy?” Bonnie asked, crossing her arms over her voluptuous tits. “How long has it been since you’ve been laid?”

  Amelia couldn’t help the snort of laughter that escaped her.

  There was a thud and she glanced over her shoulder to see Shane had thrown his knife on the butcher block counter so hard it sank in a good inch, standing straight up. “Why, are you planning on doing something about it?” Shane demanded.

  Okay, time for her to leave. Amelia covered the wine and grabbed her coat before ditching her friend. Kai was working in the outside kitchen and she needed a break from the tension.

  Those two flirted in ways she didn’t understand, but she knew when Bonnie was attracted to someone. She slipped through the door and out onto the deck.

  “Hey,” Amelia said, wrapping her coat tightly around her.

  Kai frowned and crossed the distance in a few steps. He wrapped his arms around her and Amelia breathed deep. She was so stupidly happy with him.

  “You should go back inside where it’s warm,” he told her.

  Amelia shook her head and smiled up at him. “Bonnie and Shane are arguing in the kitchen. She insists she can cut up the meat and he doesn’t like her touching his knives. I think they love each other.”

  Kai laughed. “Shane needs someone to tell him what to do.”

  She wondered if they were all like Shane, remembering Kai had said all his friends had been abused or hurt at some point or another. She should probably warn Bonnie.

  “I’m nervous to meet your friends,” Amelia admitted, watching the way the sparks from the barbecue lifted into the freezing air.

  Kai kissed the top of her head. “Don’t be nervous, darling. They’re going to love you and treat you like the queen you are.”

  Amelia sighed and snuggled in closer. She couldn’t ever get close enough to him. “I wish I could stay here forever,” she murmured too quietly for Kai to hear. It was a truth she’d just come to realize. Already the idea of going back to her lonely loft filled her with dread.

  There was a screech from inside and the sound of cars pulling up broke the peaceful silence. Kai sighed, but seemed at peace. “We should go save Shane,” he said.

  “What makes you think he needs saving?” Amelia teased, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him.

  “Bonnie will give him a run for his money, I can just tell,” Kai said with a laugh.

  They walked into the house together right when the front door flew open with shouts and laughter. Kai’s friends – his family arrived all at once and they were all loud and rambunctious. Instantly she felt shy and put Kai in front of her, watching as they all poured into the kitchen and the living room.

  Aside from Shane there were four other guys and one girl who was just as gorgeous as Bonnie, but in her own way. She was a little shorter than Bonnie, but had a nice tan, honey blonde hair, and a set of blue eyes as dark as the ocean instead of Bonnie’s glacier blue. Kai introduced her as Olivia, one of his mechanics.

  Then there was Alexander, Jacob, Noah, and Liam. Alexander was the office manager and the rest were mechanics. Each had a specialty, but they could all work on pretty much anything. It was a bit intimidating and even though Olivia was the nicest girl she’d ever met, Amelia felt a little threatened until she’d knocked elbows with her.

  “I’ve never seen Kai this happy,” Olivia told her. “I’m really glad he found you.”

  It sent a warmth through her that Amelia had never felt before. It almost felt like she belonged with this group of people, an immediate click she’d only ever felt with Kai and Bonnie. And if she was right, Bonnie felt it too.

  Noah and Liam looked like they could be twins and they were loud and rambunctious, trying to come up with games to play despite the weather outside.

  Even the quiet one, Alexander, looked like he could take on the Rock and he was the damn office manager. Did they all work out six hours a day or something? Without a word Alexander handed her a glass of water with a shy smile and Amelia felt that warmth again. They’d all been really nice to her and it felt genuine.

  Amelia got the distinct impression that if it weren’t for her and Bonnie they would all go outside and play in the snow like a bunch of kids. It was strange, but also fun. Jacob had a sharp wit and sarcastic humor. God, they were all gorgeous. Even Olivia had impressive muscles, like a female fitness/exotic lingerie model.

  The entire time they all chatted and laughed together Kai stayed close with his arm around her, smiling at his friends. She could see how they were more like family clear as day. There was a closeness Amelia felt was what a real family should be like. And she had the opportunity to have something like this because of Kai.

  Despite all her resistance in the beginning and the fear, Amelia wanted this. She wanted to live out here with Kai doing whatever she could as long as she got to stay with him and his family.

  It seemed too much too soon, but she would take her time. Amelia wouldn’t rush into this as she had with David. They could do long distance for a while and she could drive out when she had her days off. There were even days she was allowed to work from home and as long as Kai had decent internet she could do that from his place.

  She wouldn’t give up her dream job, her loft, or everything else she’d worked so hard for. But she could see herself making a life here in the future. Amelia laughed at one of Jacob’s jokes and they all looked at her like she’d grown two heads, even Bonnie.

  “What, he’s funny.”

  Kai grinned and tucked her into his side. The whole day he was nearby and affectionate. The elk was delicious and Bonnie looked at ease. It was really one of the best days of her life. Bonnie even took out the stupid selfie stick and got a picture of all of them together before they broke out the games.

  Amelia even smiled for that picture, too.

  Cards Against Humanity eventually won the majority vote as the game to play and Amelia had never seen so many dirty jokes in her life. She couldn’t help laughing at some of the more ridiculous ones. ‘Getting your dick stuck in a Chinese finger trap with another dick would be woefully incomplete without making the penises kiss’ was probably her favorite and that had been Alexander’s combination, of all people.

  “Dang,” Amelia said. “You guys are dirty.”

  Then Liam and Noah whispered and a second later they slapped down some cards. ‘OMG. He named his penis, the mayor of my vagina.’

  “What’s with all the dick jokes?” Kai asked, shaking his head with a laugh. “You guys are making me look bad.”

  “Like you’ve never told a dick joke,” Amelia said with a snort.

  Everyone looked at her in surprise and then busted up laughing. Bonnie slapped her on the back. “You know, I think all that dick is doing you some good.”

  Amelia slapped her friend’s thigh hard enough to sting. “Yeah, maybe you should get some.”

  Bonnie glared, but then busted up laughing. She leaned over and whispered in Amelia’s ear. “If I have anything to say about it I will.”

  Kai choked on his wine and Amelia could have sworn there was no way he could have heard Bonnie, but he had crazy good hearing.

  “Just be careful,” she whispered back. “Don’t fuck this up and make it weird. And don’t get hurt.” She pushed against Bonnie’s shoulder with a smile. If Bonnie wanted Shane, then good for her.

  She didn’t know much about the guy, but Kai really relied on him and trusted him. It was easy to see with the way they all interacted. They gravitated towards Kai, deferring to him and yet protective. It was like the swirling and eddying of a river, smooth and natural.

  By the time it was dark she’d had so much food and wine and fun Amelia felt relaxed and warm. There was a looseness to her limbs and muscles she’d never felt before. The delicious mulled wine that everyone made sure to praise her for left her buzzed when Shane went outside to start a fire in the massive, fancy fire pit Kai had. Olivia had brought the fixings for s’mores and Bonnie was too buzzed to drive so she decided to stay the night.

  Kai told her Bonnie should stay in one of his guest bedrooms, but from the look of it Amelia didn’t think she’d be alone. Bonnie had Shane set in her sights and rarely did she ever fail to get a mark.

  Olivia grabbed her jacket and offered Amelia hers. She was incredibly grateful for Olivia. Every time she felt slightly uncomfortable or unsure, Olivia was there to help her out if Kai wasn’t available.

  Kai pulled Amelia into his lap when they all went outside, dressed for the freezing weather. His arms around her helped keep her warm and the fire was hot, blazing high into the night sky. They roasted marshmallows over the fire and it got quiet for a few minutes while they focused on the task.

  Then Noah’s marshmallow caught fire and he blew it out, looking up at Amelia with a question on his face. “So you two are editors in a publishing house?” he asked.

  Amelia glanced at Bonnie who sat next to Shane, rubbing her leg against his whenever possible ‘on accident.’ “Yeah,” she said. Bonnie nodded in agreement. “We’ve talked about opening our own publishing house so we can publish whatever we want. It’s not always easy convincing the editor-in-chief to take a risk.” Amelia shrugged and rotated her stick carefully.

  Occasionally she liked it burnt, but a perfect brown puffiness was the best.

  “What would you publish?” Liam asked.

  “Anything,” Bonnie replied. “Well, anything in the genres that could be defined as cutting edge, new, diverse. That kind of thing.”

  “Not romance?” Jacob teased.

  Amelia blushed. She loved romance, but it was a difficult market even if it was easy to sell.

  “There’s nothing wrong with romance,” Kai said with a wink. “Maybe you should read some sometime, Jacob.”

  The raucous laughter filled the night and they all teased him mercilessly about some girl who’d slapped Jacob in a bar.

  Then a howl split the stars and Amelia shivered. She knew there was a wolf pack on the property somewhere, but she had no idea they were so close. Kai’s arms tightened around her and he stiffened. Shane instantly stood and faced the forest, putting himself between Bonnie and whatever was out there. It was enough to make Amelia think Bonnie was winning him over.

  “Is something wrong?” Bonnie asked. Amelia wanted to know too.

  The six of them including Kai were acting strange. Olivia stared into the black nothingness, eyes flicking like she could actually see in the dark. Amelia glanced at Bonnie and her friend shrugged.

  “We should go inside,” Kai said.

  Without a word Noah and Liam put out the fire. Olivia and Alexander gathered up all the s’mores ingredients. Jacob got all the drinks and in seconds everything was packed up and put away. Kai had Amelia in the house before she’d even realized they’d moved. Shane had his arm wrapped around Bonnie’s waist until she was safe inside and then he and Kai went and stood at the balcony, staring out into the forest.

  It made Amelia nervous. Something was wrong and no one wanted to tell her what it was.

  “It’ll be okay,” Olivia told her. “There’s just been an issue with a wolf on the property. We’d rather be safe than sorry, you know?”

  Mutely she nodded, watching Kai. He and Shane were talking but she couldn’t hear anything they said. Bonnie looked just as shaken. They were city girls, not used to the wilderness and everything that lived in it.

  “Are you still staying the night?” Amelia asked, sitting close to Bonnie on the couch. Their knees touched. Amelia was grateful for the familiar contact.

  “Even if I didn’t have a buzz I wouldn’t want to drive down that road in the dark,” Bonnie explained. “It was awful enough during the day. There’s still so much snow and ice.”